The data set provided in this website was obtained from a colour-naming experiment. In this experiment, we have used a scoring method to collect a set of judgements adequate for the fuzzy modellling of the colour-naming task. The data set is composed of 387 colour reflectances, their CIELab and Munsell values, and the corresponding judgements provided by the subjects in the experiment. These judgements are the membership values to the eleven basic colour categories proposed by Berlin and Kay.
This data set has been published
Robert Benavente, Maria Vanrell,
and Ramon Baldrich.
A Data Set for Fuzzy Colour Naming.
Color Research and Application,
31(1): 48-56, 2006.
Subjects: 5 male and 5 female
Age: 24-30
All the subjects were tested with the Ishihara and Farnsworth D-15 tests
387 colour samples (36 achromatic
and 351 chromatic)
The experiment was developed in a
dark room.
Samples presented in a booth illuminated from the top.
Illuminant: CCT of 5955K and luminance of 150 cd/m2
Subjects were instructed to use only
the eleven basic colour terms: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, purple,
pink, orange, brown and grey.
For each sample, 10 points were distributed among the 11 colour names as a certainty
Samples were presented one at a time, twice each, in random order (reverse was
used in the second trial).
Total observations: 7740.
File format: Each line of the file
is one of the 387 reflectances sampled from 380nm to 780nm (step: 4nm)Reflectances_380_780_4.txt
CIELab and Munsell Values
File format: L a b Hue Value Chroma
Membership Values
File format: L a b m_red m_orange
m_brown m_yellow m_green m_blue m_purple m_pink m_white m_grey m_black
File format: Hue Value Chroma m_red
m_orange m_brown m_yellow m_green m_blue m_purple m_pink m_white m_grey m_blackMembershipValues_Munsell.txt
Membership Values
File format: R G B m_red m_orange
m_brown m_yellow m_green m_blue m_purple m_pink m_white m_grey m_black