Colour in Context
Research group
Computer Vision Center

The effect of contrast randomisation on the discrimination of changes in the slopes of the amplitude spectra of natural scenes

C. Alejandro Parraga, D.J. Tolhurst
Perception, Volume 29, Number 9, page 1101--1116 - 2000
IF: 1.193. area: PSYCHOLOGY.
Download the publication : p2904.pdf [475Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "C. Alejandro Parraga and D.J. Tolhurst",
  title        = "The effect of contrast randomisation on the discrimination of changes in the slopes of the amplitude spectra of natural scenes",
  journal      = "Perception",
  number       = "9",
  volume       = "29",
  pages        = "1101--1116",
  year         = "2000",
  ifactor      = "1.193",
  area         = "PSYCHOLOGY",
  url          = ""

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