Colour in Context
Research group
Computer Vision Center

Revisión de la teoría de los Textons. Enfoque computacional en color

PhD thesis from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Advisors : Maria Vanrell , Xavier Otazu
- July 2010
Language: Spanish
Download the publication : TesisSusa.pdf [11.1Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Susana Alvarez Fernandez",
  title        = "Revisi\'on de la teor\'{\i}a de los Textons. Enfoque computacional en color",
  school       = "Universitat Aut\`onoma de Barcelona",
  month        = "July",
  year         = "2010",
  keywords     = "color and texture descriptor",
  keywords     = "color and texture descriptor",
  advisor1      = "1",
  advisor2      = "3",
  url          = ""

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